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L’ultimo tango della Wto

A Buenos Aires tra paralisi e rilancio di vecchi affari, torna di scena l’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio. Una cosa è chiara: le sue ricette negli ultimi venti anni hanno contribuito a impoverire milioni di persone. Martedì, i movimenti si riprendono la città con lo slogan “Fuori Wto! Costruiamo sovranità”


Social Justice in the EU – The new Index Report 2017

Rising poverty, youth unemployment and impending sovereign bankruptcies – Europe has been undergoing a stress test almost permanently since the financial crisis began in 2008. For a number of years, the opportunities for people to participate in society worsened considerably in most EU states. But now, almost ten years after the crisis, a new trend […]

Rusty Robot Osnago Italy Contemporary Art Sculpture

Europe in a changing global order

The new Global Strategy for the European Union’s Security and Defence Policy presented in June 2016 by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini comes at a moment of high uncertainty and radical change in the international system


A crisis of capitalism

History repeats itself, Marx wrote, first as tragedy, then as farce. If you wonder how it might repeat itself the third time, look at Italy: a country where the most effective opposition to government are – literally – comedians, and where the prime minister himself is a joke. This has distorted most analysis of the […]