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Lezioni dalla Cina

La nascita dell’epidemia di coronavirus, l’esplosione del contagio e le misure del governo di Pechino sono analizzate in un testo – Social Contagion – di un blog di ricercatori cinesi all’estero, ‘’: qui una sintesi, con le lezioni che vengono dalla Cina e le conseguenze sul suo ruolo internazionale.


Coronavirus capitalism, and how to beat it

Naomi Klein argues president Trump’s plan is a pandemic shock doctrine: it’s vital for people to fight for the kind of transformative change that can not only curb the worst effects of the current crisis but also set society on a more just path. Da The Intercept.


Plagued by Trumpism

For 40 years, Republicans have been insisting that “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” But now that COVID-19, climate change, and other collective threats are bearing down, the bankruptcy of this nostrum has been laid bare. Da “Project Syndicate”.