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Archivio | Novembre, 2017


La scomparsa di Alessandro Leogrande

Ci ha lasciato Alessandro Leogrande. Giornalista e autore di diversi libri, era stato vicedirettore della rivista Lo Straniero e aveva collaborato con diversi giornali e riviste


A crisis of capitalism

History repeats itself, Marx wrote, first as tragedy, then as farce. If you wonder how it might repeat itself the third time, look at Italy: a country where the most effective opposition to government are – literally – comedians, and where the prime minister himself is a joke. This has distorted most analysis of the […]


ECB, Greece And The Ticking NPL Time-Bomb

After the ECB regulatory tightening on banks’ non-performing loans (NPLs), announced with the well-known “addendum” to its guidance to banks of October 5, a barrage of anger came from the Italian banks and institutions (even the Minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan and the Bank of Italy took a stand) to defend the threatened stability […]