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Plagued by Trumpism

For 40 years, Republicans have been insisting that “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” But now that COVID-19, climate change, and other collective threats are bearing down, the bankruptcy of this nostrum has been laid bare. Da “Project Syndicate”.


A great equaliser

A little over two months of coronavirus have already wrought economic changes. As with any extreme event, epidemics suddenly shed light on certain social phenomena which we hazily know about but often tend to ignore or prefer not to think about. Da “Social Europe”.


La neolingua dell’economia e le ricette del pensiero unico

Nel suo recente libro-intervista, Jean-Paul Fitoussi decostruisce pezzo per pezzo l’impianto teorico e gli effetti pratici legati all’adozione della “neolingua” dell’economia dominante, che appare incapace di interrogarsi sui propri limiti e di proporre ricette valide per l’economia e la società.