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Archivio | Economia e finanza

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Déjà Voodoo

A Trump administration staffed by plutocrats – most of whom gained their wealth from rent-seeking activities, rather than from productive entrepreneurship – could be expected to reward themselves. But the Republicans’ proposed tax reform is a bigger gift to corporations and the ultra-rich than most had anticipated


A Better Way to Make Economic Forecasts

Economists are famously bad at predicting growth. A new technique might help them get a little better. When assessing a country’s potential to prosper, economists typically look at aggregate measures such as education, investment or national debt. This hasn’t worked particularly well: China’s economy, for example, has kept growing at a fast pace even though […]


How to rethink capitalism

Western capitalism came close to collapsing in 2007/2008, and has still not recovered. And the vast majority of economists had not understood what was happening. The recently released book “Rethinking Capitalism” takes a deeper look at both failures


Il migliore dei mondi

Le borse sono al loro massimo storico, l’inflazione è minima, le Banche centrali, FED e BCE in testa, si congratulano per il successo delle loro politiche di Quantitative Easing. Il loro entusiasmo è appannato solo da un tenue pericolo che scoppi una nuova bolla speculativa e dalle minacce che partono da Trump e Goldman Sachs […]