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Gli effetti delle politiche neoliberiste secondo il FMI

Una recente pubblicazione del Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha espresso un giudizio negativo su alcune politiche neoliberiste sostenute in passato dallo stesso FMI. Ma al di là dei problemi di coerenza di quest’ultimo, si viene componendo un quadro di conoscenze potenzialmente molto utile per andare oltre gli errori del passato

European flags in front of the Berlaymont building, headquarters of the European commission in Brussels.

The risk of Brexit and the Labour’s lost referendum

Whatever the outcome of the referendum, it looks like Labour will have lost. There’s a lot of righteous sound and fury on the Brexit-left, but socialism is not about winning a moral argument, or punishing institutions for their actions. It is about finding a better way of living for as many people as possible


What is the International Labour Conference?

For the first time since much of the world economy was re-organised into global supply chains, the International Labour Organisation will feature a discussion about how that economy should or shouldn’t be regulated in the interests of decent work and social justice


Rise of Donald Trump tracks debate over global fascism

Mr. Trump’s campaign has engendered impassioned debate about the nature of his appeal and warnings from critics on the left and the right about the potential rise of fascism in the United States. More strident opponents have likened Mr. Trump to Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini