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Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati Lunaria Associazione di Promozione Sociale – Sede Legale: Via Buonarroti 39, 00185, ROMA Email: comunicazione[at] Tipologie di Dati raccolti Fra i Dati Personali raccolti da questo Sito Web, in modo autonomo o tramite terze parti, ci sono: Cookie, Dati di utilizzo, email, nome e cognome. Dettagli completi su ciascuna tipologia […]

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The new Brexit minister, the arms industry, the American hard right

Steve Baker, the new Brexit minister, has also taken money from an arms company while promoting the aerospace industry in parliament; accepted travel costs from the government of Equatorial Guinea before writing a report dismissing concerns about their human rights abuses; and accepted conference expenses from radical right wing American groups with links to Robert […]

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What is the International Labour Conference?

For the first time since much of the world economy was re-organised into global supply chains, the International Labour Organisation will feature a discussion about how that economy should or shouldn’t be regulated in the interests of decent work and social justice

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