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Archivio | Europa


The 2017 independent Annual Growth Survey

The fifth edition of the iAGS report points out that a slow recovery is under way after the financial crisis, as a result of low oil prices, low interest rates, a lower effective exchange rate of the euro, a less negative fiscal stance in the euro area and unconventional monetary policies. The report comes up […]


L’Europa e noi

Pur di fronte a un’accelerazione delle spinte alla disgregazione dell’Europa, c’è il rischio che l’inerzia prevalga ancora una volta. L’analisi nella Controfinanziaria di Sbilanciamoci!


Post-neoliberalism and the politics of sovereignty

he crisis of the neoliberal order, which has been spectacularly displayed in the victory of Brexit and the difficulties experienced by Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election campaign, has resuscitated one of the most time-honoured of political notions: the idea of sovereignty. If the Left is to conquer post-neoliberal hegemony it has to construct […]