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The 2017 independent Annual Growth Survey

The fifth edition of the iAGS report points out that a slow recovery is under way after the financial crisis, as a result of low oil prices, low interest rates, a lower effective exchange rate of the euro, a less negative fiscal stance in the euro area and unconventional monetary policies. The report comes up […]


Donald Trump’s New York Times Interview

“Well, I just appreciate the meeting and I have great respect for The New York Times. Tremendous respect. It’s very special. Always has been very special. I think I’ve been treated very rough. It’s well out there that I’ve been treated extremely unfairly in a sense, in a true sense”. Donald Trump’s interview to the […]


Trump, un “non voto” di protesta

Contrariamente all’opinione dominante diversi analisti hanno invece interpretato la vittoria di Trump come espressione di un voto di protesta contro le élite, l’establishment e la “vecchia politica”


Etiopia, cosa c’è da nascondere? Il Rapporto di Re:Common

Le mille ombre del sistema Italia in Etiopia è il nuovo Rapporto di Re:Common. Un’analisi e una spiegazione eterodossa del cosiddetto “Sistema Italia”, a partire dal ruolo che la nostra cooperazione gioca in contesti come quello etiopico. E una denuncia dell’impatto delle politiche di sviluppo del governo etiope, che si intrecciano con faraonici progetti infrastrutturali […]


Trump: an interview with Noam Chomsky

Some years ago, public intellectual Noam Chomsky warned that the political climate in the US was ripe for the rise of an authoritarian figure. Now, he shares his thoughts on the aftermath of this election, the moribund state of the US political system and why Trump is a real threat to the world and the […]