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L’Europa verso le elezioni

Quale Parlamento uscirà dalle urne di maggio? Nel turno precedente, in Italia su oltre 50 milioni di aventi diritto si presentarono alle urne quasi 30 milioni di elettori (il 57 per cento), un poco meno rispetto al 2009. gli asini


A european social union against growing inequalities

If achieving a European Social Union means developing a fairer society for all its citizens (and also for non-citizens who come to live here), the causes of ‘unfairness’ and of inequality-producing mechanisms, including those created by the Union itself, should be


Grandes compañías europeas para impulsar la financiación verde

L’ Enel, la spagnola Iberdrola, l’Edp portoghese e la francese Engie creano il Corporate Forum for Sustainable Finance, per utilizzare finanziariamente le obbligazioni “verdi” in Europa. Al gruppo hanno aderito 16 società fra cui Ferrovie dello Stato italiane, Société du Grand Paris, Terna, Tideway e <

Architecture Contemporary Design Facade Modern

The economics of soaking the rich

What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy? A lot. It concerns Peter Diamond, one of our leading experts on inequality, who estimated the optimal top tax rate to be 73 percent.

Balcony Windows Building Structure Architecture

Beyond Gdp

Gdp figures are often in the public eye but they are insufficient measures for well-being. Economics Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz explains why we need to look beyond