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Archivio | Europa


A conversation with Jürgen Habermas about Brexit

The British had a liberal view of the EU as a free trade area and this was expressed in a policy of enlarging the EU without any simultaneous deepening of co-operation. No Schengen, no euro. The exclusively instrumental attitude of the political elite towards the EU was reflected in the campaign of the Remain camp […]


Rediscovering the Importance of functional distribution

Nowadays, both economists and policy makers have rediscovered the importance of income distribution. In a number of recent papers, even the IMF has warned about the risks stemming from increasing inequalities but the recommendations inferred from its standard theoretical approach do not imply any breakthrough in the policy agenda


Italy may be the next domino to fall

The UK’s vote to leave the EU will not only break the ties between the UK and the bloc, and probably between Scotland and England — it has the potential to destroy the eurozone. This is not the issue at the forefront of people’s minds right now. But it is potentially the biggest impact of […]


Europa, processo destituente

Brexit. Abbiamo superato una soglia nel processo di disgregazione della costruzione europea non a causa del voto britannico, ma perché esso rivela tendenze alla polarizzazione dell’insieme dell’Europa, rivela la sua crisi politica, che è anche morale