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Road to Vienna: peace by peaceful means

How the peace movement is preparing for the international summit for Peace in Ukraine that will be held in the Austrian capital city on 10/11 JuneWednesday June 7th 2023 – 19.00 CEST – 17.00 GMT/UTC – 13.00 EDT “It is time for the weapons to fall silent and for diplomacy to begin to resolve the conflict. We must counter the […]


The World Beyond Ukraine

Many developing countries see the war in Ukraine and the West’s rivalry with China as distracting from urgent issues such as debt, climate change, and the effects of the pandemic. Great-power competition is exacerbating global challenges to the extreme detriment of the poorest countries. Da Foreign Affairs.

Schermata 2023-02-15 alle 11.07.25

Insieme per la pace

Non sono ore facili. L’escalation continua con il rischio di una deriva nucleare della guerra. Anche il riarmo continua. L’Ue pensa di utilizzare parte del Recovery Plan per le armi. Il 20 maggio Europe for Peace promuove una assemblea a Perugia, alla vigilia della marcia, per rilanciare la mobilitazione per la pace ovunque.

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Resolution for Peace in Ukraine to local authorities

Motion to ask for ceasefire, peace negotiations, to organize caravans of humanitarian aid in Ukraine and the adhesion to the nuclear disarmament treaty to the citizens and local authorities in various states of the European Union and in other countries proposed by the organizations linked to the Europe for Peace coalition.


L’Asia al centro del cambiamento

Riflette su leve e nodi del cambiamento che sta attraversando l’Asia a partire dal ruolo della Cina, ma rifiutando qualsiasi lettura da “nuova guerra fredda”, il libro curato dal Giuseppe Gabusi edito da Treccani che raccoglie contributi di accademici asiatici e non dell’area del Pacifico.