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Italy may be the next domino to fall

The UK’s vote to leave the EU will not only break the ties between the UK and the bloc, and probably between Scotland and England — it has the potential to destroy the eurozone. This is not the issue at the forefront of people’s minds right now. But it is potentially the biggest impact of […]


Calpestare i diritti dei lavoratori

11 aziende su 23 non rispondo all’indagine di Change Your Shoes sulle politiche di prevenzione, mitigazione e rimedio alle violazioni dei diritti umani. Ancora lontano il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali


EU referendum: results and analysis

Britain has voted by a substantial margin to leave the European Union. The picture that is emerging is of a heavily polarised country. Geographically, Scotland and London have voted overwhelmingly for remain, but outside the capital, every English region had a majority for leave


La lezione del Brexit

La vittoria di Brexit c’entra poco con l’Europa e molto con le politiche uguali in tutti i paesi, o per convinzione o per costrizione, che stanno provocando dovunque un rigetto verso chi governa