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Nobel 2017: Thaler e le contraddizioni della “spinta gentile”

Nobel 2017 per le scienze economiche assegnato a Richard Thaler dell’Università di Chicago, per i suoi contributi allo sviluppo dell’economia comportamentale. Una branca di ricerca promettente che tuttavia Thaler non sgancia dall’ideale normativo della teoria neoclassica, generando alcune aporie anche sul terreno delle sue proposte di politica economica. A cominciare dalla “spinta gentile” dei governi […]

Welded Perspective Silver Cross Metal Artwork Art

Déjà Voodoo

A Trump administration staffed by plutocrats – most of whom gained their wealth from rent-seeking activities, rather than from productive entrepreneurship – could be expected to reward themselves. But the Republicans’ proposed tax reform is a bigger gift to corporations and the ultra-rich than most had anticipated


A Better Way to Make Economic Forecasts

Economists are famously bad at predicting growth. A new technique might help them get a little better. When assessing a country’s potential to prosper, economists typically look at aggregate measures such as education, investment or national debt. This hasn’t worked particularly well: China’s economy, for example, has kept growing at a fast pace even though […]

Two Soundtrack Releases To Accompany New Ken Burns & Lynn Novick Film "The Vietnam War," –Original Score Features Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross– –Additional All-Star Soundtrack Features Iconic Music Of The Vietnam Era– –10-Part Series by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick Premieres September 17 on PBS Stations Nationwide– (PRNewsfoto/UMe)


La risposta più seria alle farneticazioni di Donald Trump rivolte a mo’ di risposta a quelle della Corea del Nord, sembra essere un lungo documentario realizzato da due giornalisti Usa, Ken Burns e Lynn Novik, trasmessa dalla rete franco-tedesca Arte. Una risposta al presidente americano ma anche la più vasta storia della crisi che ha […]


How to rethink capitalism

Western capitalism came close to collapsing in 2007/2008, and has still not recovered. And the vast majority of economists had not understood what was happening. The recently released book “Rethinking Capitalism” takes a deeper look at both failures