Putin, il nazionalismo, l’uso della guerra per il consenso, il potere autoritario. C’è tutto questo, e altro, negli scritti di Anna Politkovskaja – uccisa sotto casa a Mosca 16 anni fa –, libri che illuminano il nostro presente.
Archivio | Mondo
Putin’s regime may fall – but what would come next?
With Putin mired in the Ukraine war and facing unrest at home, it’s time the west tried to negotiate a way back from the brink. Da The Guardian.
L’ambasciatore di Reagan: “Senza Raissa era perso..”
I ricordi su Mikhail Gorbaciov di Jack Matlock, per 20 anni al centro di tutti i negoziati Usa-Urss,. «Sull’espansione della Nato a Est io chiedo: che motivo c’era?». Da Corriere della Sera.
Nel tempo della seconda guerra freddo-calda
Naviganti senza bussola, gli improbabili eredi della sinistra italiana hanno prima divorziato dal pacifismo politico e giuridico e poi sposato un inquietante fondamentalismo etico-democratico. Un estratto dal laboratorio politico fuoricollana.it.
The West’s false narrative about Russia and China
Europe should reflect on the fact that the non-enlargement of NATO and the implementation of the Minsk II agreements would have averted this awful war in Ukraine. At this stage, it is diplomacy, not military escalation, is the true path to European and global security. Da Other News.
Henry Kissinger is worried about disequilibrium
The 99-year-old former secretary of state has just published a book on leadership and sees a dangerous lack of strategic purpose in U.S. foreign policy about the risk of war between U.S. and Russia and China. Dal Wall Street Journal.
Effective pandemic response must be truly global
The world needs a pandemic preparedness and response strategy built on equitable and representative decision-making.Da Social Europe.
Talking Peace in Ukraine
The time has come to negotiate a ceasefire and launch serious peace talks. This includes negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to decide the fate of Russian-occupied territories. Da Project Syndicate.
El pacifismo ante la reunión de la Otan en Madrid
Frente a la disuasión y la lógica armamentista, el futuro de la seguridad europea es la seguridad compartida: el multilateralismo, el desarme, la desmilitarización y la cooperación. Da El Pais.
China to the rescue?
Despite the concerns often voiced, rich Europe can survive this coming winter without Russian energy and with higher food prices. In the worst-case scenario it will have to manage with several years of stagflation. But Chin could soften the apocalyptic effects of the war in Ukraine on the global south. Da Social Europe.