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Archivio | Europa


Non sono i leader a fare la storia

Negli ultimi anni si è andata sempre più affermando l’idea che la storia la facciano i leader. Il secondo posto sarebbe occupato dai mezzi di comunicazione, con la loro notevole capacità di occultare o di sovraesporre i fatti, a seconda della convenienza. Il protagonismo popolare, invece, è occultato in modo sistematico


Cities of refuge

The 1951 Geneva Convention on Political Asylum was a typical creation of the Cold War: the system cannot deal with the huge population flows now permanently characteristic of our world. It is not just about humanitarianism, philanthropy or solidarity. The face of the other who suffers lies behind the identity of each and every one […]

Fazi-Iodice copertinaDEF

La sinistra e l’euro

Per salvare l’Europa serve “meno Europa”: gli Stati devono riconquistare spazio fiscale e politico. Pubblichiamo un estratto dal libro di Thomas Fazi e Guido Iodice, “La battaglia contro l’Europa” in uscita in questi giorni


The critical state of the Union

Attracting international investors while repelling undesirable migrants: since the Great Recession of 2009, these two preoccupations have dominated the European agenda. Given the havoc wrought by austerity programs and the ongoing ordeal of asylum seekers, what possibilities does the near future hold, for the European Union and for the left’s ability to challenge its current […]


A State-Powered Green Revolution

Discussions about building a green future tend to focus on the need to improve the generation of energy from renewable sources. But that is just the first step. Better mechanisms for storing and releasing that energy are also critical. And, contrary to popular belief, it is the public sector that is leading the way toward […]