The uproar over the participation of larger companies in the Paycheck Protection Program is a sign that the country will increasingly confront a broader issue about the massive Covid-19 relief effort. Da Dirt Diggers Digest.

The uproar over the participation of larger companies in the Paycheck Protection Program is a sign that the country will increasingly confront a broader issue about the massive Covid-19 relief effort. Da Dirt Diggers Digest.
Il governatore di New York lamenta la malagestione della crisi Covid-19, a causa di prezzi esorbitanti e irreperibilità delle forniture necessarie a salvare vite, in primis i ventilatori meccanici. Dietro tutto ciò, il comportamento poco trasparente delle principali imprese produttrici. Da “Dirt Diggers Digest”.
The withdrawal of Tom Marino’s nomination as national drug czar is a reminder of the power of whistle-blowing and aggressive investigative reporting, while the fact that he was named in the first place is a reminder of the hollowness of the Trump’s Administration’s commitments to draining the swamp and to seriously addressing the opioid epidemic […]
Da un caso di mala condotta di una singola società (Volkswagen), negli Usa lo scandalo emissioni somiglia sempre più a una trama di pratiche fraudolente che riguardano l’intero settore automobilistico
Big business would have us believe that it is on the side of the angels when it comes to the Paris climate agreement. A group of large companies just published full-page ads in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal urging President Trump to remain in the accord. On the contrary, recent developments could […]
Apple’s indignant response to the European Commission tax ruling has nothing to do with an inability to pay. The company’s cash pile of more than $200 billion could cover the assessment several times over. Instead, it’s something more akin to the attitude attributed to the late New York hotelier Leona Helmsley: only the little people […]
Trump’s decision to enter the race for the Republican presidential nomination has brought a great deal of new attention to his wide range of business activities and the controversies associated with many of them, involving issues such as alleged racial discrimination, tax abatements, union avoidance and environmental harm
Donald Trump is famous for making high-profile deals using other people’s money. Sometimes those other people are not his business partners or lenders but rather the taxpayers. For a figure who is seen to epitomize unfettered entrepreneurship, he has been relentless in his pursuit of government financial assistance