Le associazioni interconfessionali per la pace Glam, Fcei e Cipax promuovono dal 25 dicembre al 7 gennaio (Natale ortodosso) l’iniziativa: una candela per Fermare la guerra.
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A Bologna il 2023 inizia marciando per la pace, con don Mattia, Landini, Zuppi…
Torna la marcia per la pace: corteo fiaccolata a Bologna l’1 gennaio. I pacifisti: non smetteremo di dire che la guerra non si fa
International Appeal for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine like 1914
Let us call for a ceasefire in Ukraine for Christmas 2022/2023, from the 25 December to the 7 January, as a sign of our shared humanity, reconciliation, and peace.
Prisoners for Peace list in Russia and Ukraine
A list of imprisoned people in Russia and Ukraine for their peace activism and conscientious objection below.
European Churches’ Christmas message: War is a wound to humanity
In their annual joint Christmas message, European Churches pray for peace in Ukraine and in Europe. The World Council of Churches also issues its Christmas message calling on all people of good will to be agents of reconciliation, and peacemakers amid growing fears of war, climate change and hunger. Da Vatican News.
Diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine: weeks of action in January
Weeks of Action for Peace in January 13-27 by CodePink and Others: a call to build a massive, unified response with peace-loving people around the world to say “No to War in Ukraine” “Yes to Negotiations and Peace”.
“Christmas Time for Peace” calling a mobilization in the European cities
From Italy, Europe for Peace We are calling for a European campaign, all together, trade unions, NGOs, local authorities, churches, students with the aim to be able to organize a European Peace Conference, asking for an immediate ceasefire and the negotiations among the parties leader by UN.
Newsletter n° 690 del 16 dicembre 2022
Le nostre proposte e uno studio sulla dinamica prezzi-salari
L’altra Russia degli obiettori: “Verso la protesta di massa”
Intervista all’attivista Alexander Belik, dall’Estonia a Roma per la Campagna obiezione alla guerra di Un Ponte Per e Movimento Nonviolento. Da il manifesto.
Common security and sustainable development is the paradigm for getting peace and a shared future
There isn’t any sustainability if there are inequality, injustice, oppression, exploitation, fossil energy consumption. And there isn’t any peace without sustainability. Common security and sustainable development is the paradigm for getting peace and a shared future.