National demonstration in Brussels, 26 February 2023, Gare du Nord. Here the appeal of Europe for Peace and Solidarity.
Europe for peace and solidarity – Stop the war in Ukraine!
National demonstration – Brussels, 26 February 2023, Gare du Nord (click here Fb)
The war in Ukraine has cost too many lives and brought too much destruction. It is the responsibility and duty of states and peoples to commit to de-escalation and support for talks. For the Ukrainian people, but also for humanity and the planet, which cannot endure this war any longer. War absorbs political attention and resources vital to a just and sustainable future.
1. Russia out of Ukraine. Stop the war
We condemn the Russian aggression against a sovereign country, which is a grave violation of the UN Charter. Although we have different analyses of the conflict, the signatories are united in calling on Russia and Ukraine to observe an immediate ceasefire and to engage in peace talks. We stand with those who reject the logic of war, in Ukraine, in Russia and around the world.
2. Solidarity with people fleeing war
We wish to express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and all those suffering from the war. We condemn violence against civilians and war crimes. Anyone fleeing the war must be given a dignified welcome. Conscientious objectors have the right to asylum.
3. For active peace diplomacy and disarmament
We reject a policy based on confrontation and the prolongation of war. The continuous escalation of the logic of war, also from Belgium and European countries, has increasingly disastrous and potentially apocalyptic consequences. The war is a reminder of the ever-increasing risk of the use of nuclear weapons. A worldwide ban on nuclear weapons is urgently needed.
We call for an active peace policy. All diplomatic means must be deployed to initiate de-escalation and to bring the warring parties to a cease-fire for talks leading to a just and lasting peace.
4. For a secure European continent
We want to resume diplomatic work to build a collective and indivisible security system. We call for a new security architecture based on the principle that security cannot be sought at the expense of others. We reject the use of war as an instrument to increase military budgets in an already over-armed world. Disarmament must become the goal again.
5. Investing in social, justice and environmental issues
We are concerned about the social, economic and environmental consequences of war and countermeasures, which largely explain the energy crisis and rising energy bills. It is always the planet and the people, especially the most vulnerable, who pay the price of wars waged by our leaders and the arms industry. Instead of increasing military budgets, we need to invest more in social protection, public services and the ecological transition.