Donald Trump’s policies couldn’t “make us a manufacturing nation again” even if they succeeded in greatly reducing trade deficits. we are going to be a service economy no matter what, and that that’s ok. Dal blog su Substack.
Autori Sezioni: Paul Krugman
What’s the Matter With Italy?
As president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi saved the euro. In my estimation, this makes him history’s greatest central banker.But this time Italy’s crisis may well prove more intractable than the euro crisis of the early 2010s. The Italian crisis has very little to do with fiscal profligacy or general incompetence; as I […]
Have Zombies Eaten Bloomberg’s and Buttigieg’s Brains?
What made this panic possible, after two generations of relative financial calm? The answer, clearly, was the erosion of effective financial regulation over the previous few decades. Dal New York Times.
The economics of soaking the rich
What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy? A lot. It concerns Peter Diamond, one of our leading experts on inequality, who estimated the optimal top tax rate to be 73 percent.