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Foundation for european progressive studie

On June 1, SOLIDAR is organising a European Peace Conference, titled “Charting a path for common security in Europe”, hosted by SOLIDAR member, the Foundation For Progressive Studies (FEPS).

Charting a path for common security in Europe

(FEPS) AVENUE DES ARTS 46, 1000 BRUSSELS – 9:00–16:30 – Clickheretojointhewebinar

On June 1, SOLIDAR is organising a European Peace Conference, titled “Charting a path for common security in Europe”, hosted by SOLIDAR member, the Foundation For Progressive Studies (FEPS).

Russia’s gruesome war in Ukraine continues unabated. It sends shock waves through Europe with each new image of cruelty as we are witnessing severe human rights violations and unmistakable war crimes taking place. It has forced all EU countries into a debate on what the future of the European project and its security order will be, meanwhile hoping that there will be a swift end to this terrible war. It raises questions for all actors, international, intra-governmental, state, and non-state actors how to act faced with brutal military aggression and how to defend and uphold human rights and international law. For civil society across Europe the reply has been an outcry of solidarity with the Ukrainian people and Russian opposition, a resounding no to military aggression, protests and manifestations across Europe and organized solidarity and support activities inside Ukraine and its neighbouring countries. Are we witnessing the rebirth of a European peace movement as civil society and citizens mobilise for cease fire, dialogue, justice, and solidarity?

As progressive civil society we are called to contribute to and form a position in relation not just to the war, but also to its impact on the European security discussions as we develop a vision of our own for the future of Europe as a peace project and our role in creating and fighting for it.

Civil society seems to be on the reacting end when it comes to the danger of war, and even more so, when war has broken out. As civil society we react to the atrocities through our support of the victims, sheltering, clothing, and feeding refugees and mobilising the good will of those who are not fighting directly. There does not seem to be a place for civil society in the decision making and acting part, except for protesting and manifesting. War is usually perceived as the time for the executive.

However, the Ukrainian war shows us, that civil society is vital as the driving force for change also intimes of war, and ultimately, the victory of democracy. The executive argues that in wartimes the same laws cannot prevail, and martial law should supersede the basis of our societies when war is raging, basic human rights (temporarily) abolished, information restricted not to give the enemy any advantages and preserve unity. We see in Ukraine that this must not automatically be so. If there is one good lesson to be learnt from this horrific war, it is that the Ukrainian civil society, the media, and the people active in various organisations, continue their work, did not flee, but stayed to promote the truth about the atrocities and actively engaged in the spirit of resilience and resistance.

SOLIDAR gathers with members, partners and progressive allies to discuss current developments and their impact. The aim is to foster cooperation and a common understanding through a lively debate, and to arrive at a conclusion on our role in these times of crises.

The Conference will be in English. During the event, SOLIDAR and FEPS will host a lunch reception.


1. Opening (9:00 – 10:00)

  1. Welcome by SOLIDAR Secretary General Mikael Leyi
  2. Welcome by SOLIDAR President
  3. Welcome by the host, FEPS Secretary General László Andor
  4. Keynote speech by Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN
    The war in Ukraine and the consequences fora new European security order
  5. Q&A Session with the public
  6. Coffee break and networking

2. Discussion 1 (10:30 – 11:15)

The situation in Ukraine and Russia – speaking with partners Video testimonies by St Petersburg Soldier’s Mothers and Ukraine Peace Movement
Moderator: Susanne Drake, Willi Eichler and SOLIDAR Board

3. Coffee Break

4.Discussion2 (11:30-12:20)

The role of civil society – member’s initiatives and activities
Moderator: Marta Iglesias, MPDL

5. Conclusion and summary of the morning


7. Discussion 3 (13:45 – 14:30)

The world at a crossroads – Common Security 2022 Owen Tudor, Deputy General Secretary, ITUC
Moderator: Micael Fagerberg, OPIC

8. Coffee Break

9.Discussion4 (14:45-15:30)
Looking forward – forming a European Peace Movement MEP Pierfrancesco Majorino
Moderator: Sergio Bassoli, CGIL and SOLIDAR Board

10. Conclusions from the day (15:30 – 16:30)

Next steps for SOLIDAR (SOLIDAR members ONLY)
Moderator: Mikael Leyi, SOLIDAR