Documenti, materiali, appelli – in gran parte in inglese e in altre lingue – del movimento per la pace in altri paesi europei, per coordinarsi e collegarsi in una iniziativa comune contro la guerra

Urgent Call for Olga and Yurii
Member states and the European Union must grant humanitarian protection and political asylum and protect the rights of freedom and speech to the peace leaders Olga Karatch (Belarus) and Yurii Sheliazhenko (Ukraine).

Appello all’azione del 14 ottobre a Nörvenich
Anche Sbilanciamoci aderisce all'appello e alla manifestazione di metà ottobre a Nörvenich, nei pressi di Düren, in Germania contro le manovre Nato di condivisione nucleare, per chiedere invece l'adesione al Trattato Onu di proibizione delle armi nucleari.

Wien, Juni 10/11: Internationaler Gipfel für Frieden in der Ukraine
Internationaler Gipfel für Frieden in der Ukraine, Wien, Österreich – am Juni 10/11, 2023 - und Liste der Mitgliedsorganisationen internationaler Friedensorganisationen.

Vienna June 10/11: International summit for peace in Ukraine
Press invitation to the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine Vienna, Austria - on June 10/11, 2023 and list of International peace organizations joining the meeting.

Se vuoi la Pace costruisci la Pace: a Vienna il Vertice Internazionale dei Popoli
Se vuoi la pace costruisci la pace. Vertice Internazionale dei Popoli per la Pace in Ucraina Vienna, 10-11 giugno 2023 Luogo: ÖGB-Catamaran, Johan-Böhm-Platz 1 Wien 1020

Nelle piazze d’Europa torna la mobilitazione di Europe for Peace
Dalla Germania alla Francia, passando per Londra, le mobilitazioni in Europa ad un anno. dall'inizio della guerra. E non solo, anche negli Stati Uniti.

People in dozens of cities in Italy and Europe call for peace negotiations one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
The mobilisation of Italian and European civil society is growing day by day in support ofprospects for peace for Ukraine. In Italy there are more than 65 cities with confirmed initiatives (including Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, Bari, Palermo, Cagliari, Florence, Bologna...).

Lisboa el 16, outras manifestações em Portugal
El dia 16 de Fevereiro, vai realizar-se uma Concentração em defesa da Paz, em Lisboa, no Largo de Camões. Outras manifestações por todo o país, de Coimbra ao Porto, até Setúbal.

Germany, peace initiatives list on anniversary of Ukraine invasion
16 peace organizations invite to participate in manifold peaceful protests on 24-26 Feb for in favour of truce and peace negotiations, against the war of aggression of Russia, as well as against the riarmament program of the German government. In many cities activities against the ongoing war will take place: Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Stuttgart.

Brussels, National demonstration 26 February
National demonstration in Brussels, 26 February 2023, Gare du Nord. Here the appeal of Europe for Peace and Solidarity.

Stop the war: National demonstration in London
In Central London on Sat 25th Feb national demonstration to Stop the War in Ukraine – Peace Talks Now!

Webinar about prospects toward peace
One year after the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an international webinar to bring voices from different countries to discuss about a lasting peace in Ukraine and the way towards it: 24 February 23 -01:00 PM.

IPB call in action for first anniversary of russian invasion of Ukraine
The International Peace Bureau calls on our members worldwide to take action during 24-26 February 2023 in support of peace in Ukraine.

Avoiding a long war in Ukraine
The United States has a strong interest in avoiding a long war in Ukraine. Although Washington cannot alone determine the war's duration, it can take steps to make an eventual negotiated peace more likely. Da Rand corp.

Un an de guerre, ça suffit!
24 février 2022 – 24 février 2023 ARRETEZ LA GUERRE EN UKRAINE L'invasion russe du territoire ukrainien a commencé le 24 février 2022. Une violation de la Charte de l'ONU et du droit international qui appelle une condamnation immédiate. Europe for peace appelle tous les peuples européens à demander un cessez- le-feu, un dialogue et des négociations de paix pour construire une Europe sûre et pacifique pour tous.

Ukraine war: no chance for serious peace negotiations, says Un chief
António Guterres dal World Economic Forum di Davos, in Svizzera, ha dichiarato di non credere che ci sia un'opportunità per organizzare "un serio negoziato di pace" tra le parti in guerra in Ucraina a quasi un anno dall'invasione della Russia.

Aufruf zum Aktionswochenende vom 24. bis 26 Februar 2023
Wir rufen für das Wochenende vom 24. bis zum 26.

There isn’t any peace without sustainability
Peace and sustainable development are connected and interlinked. There isn’t any sustainability if there are inequality, injustice, oppression, exploitation, fossil energy consumption.

War in the time of digital platforms
The war in Ukraine has highlighted how states and platforms are increasingly in military lock-step. Da

“We Need Ceasefires Everywhere”: Bishop William Barber’s Message of Peace for Ukraine & the World
Bishop William Barber, one of the signatories for Christmas truce like in 1914, said: “We need a ceasefire to interrupt this warring madness”. Da DemocracyNow.