The 2024 Stability and Growth Pact reforms entrench austerity and stifle investment—challenging the new EU Commission to reverse Europe’s economic decline. Da Social Europe
Autori Sezioni: Paul De Grauwe
Paul De Grauwe, senza coronabond l’Eurozona scomparirà
L’economista belga lancia in un intervista un duro monito nei confronti dei paesi del Nord Europa indisponibili a varare misure straordinarie di sostegno economico e finanziario agli Stati – Italia e Spagna in testa – più colpiti dall’epidemia. Dall’agenzia “Ansa”.
The Ecb must finance Covid-19 deficits
Having witnessed the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent eurozone debt crisis, Europe’s policymakers should already realize what the Covid-19 pandemic could mean for the economy. To avert a self-perpetuating downward spiral, the European Central Bank will need to start thinking outside the box. Da “Project Syndicate”.
Green money without inflation
Funding an ecological transition in Europe via green money bonds would be economically justifiable.