Appeals, documents, analyses, scientific reports on war in Ukraine, on peace and war in Europe, on common security and international cooperation.

Scientists Unite in Opposition to EU Rearmament
Scientists are uniting to voice against the recent proposal to rearm the European Union. They have released "Scientists against rearmament - A manifesto" and are calling on scientists, engineers, medical professionals, mathematicians, scholars, and the broader science community to support their stance.

What Putin Wants Now
Trump has suspended all military aid to Ukraine in an apparent attempt to bring the country to the negotiating table. But does Russia need to negotiate? Da The New Yorker

What has been the Cost of Ukraine’s War, And Who Pays?
Three years on, the war in Ukraine has reshaped economies, lives, and global politics. Can Europe afford the price? Da Social Europe

A Europe of peace far all peoples
Invitation to take action, to display at the windows the flag of peace that represents ours idea of Europe, to support the alternative to wars and to the arrogance of the strongest. It's true for Ukraine and for Palestine. It’s time for a great European campaign to oppose the arms race and a war economy.

The Two-State Mirage
To overcome Israeli intransigence, the US must stop shielding Israel from the consequences of severe violations of international law and norms at the UN and other international organizations. The White House should condition further aid to Israel on adherence to U.S. law and international norms. Da Foreign Affairs

Il panico morale di fronte alle critiche a Israele
Nel pamphlet “Guerra all’antisemitismo? Il panico morale come strumento di repressione politica” Donatella della Porta analizza come artisti, attivisti e intellettuali solidali con la Palestina - ebrei compresi - siano stati presi di mira e accusati di antisemitismo, in particolare in Germania, per le loro posizioni critiche di Israele.

There’s Another Way to Hold Netanyahu Accountable for the Gaza Genocide
A case for prosecuting the Israeli prime minister for the crime of persecution. Even though the crime of cultural genocide was excluded from the Genocide Convention, there is a method by which both Netanyahu and Gallant could still be convicted for the cultural aspect of the genocide of the Palestinians. Da The Nation

The white doves are tired
Throughout Europe, only falcons are still flying. They are stronger than ever before - and they are growing. We need a new peace movement, a new policy of détente and no world war. It would be the third and last. Europe is threatened with the fate of Carthage, or worse.

Die weißen Tauben sind müde
In ganz Europa fliegen nur noch die Falken. Sie sind so stark wie nie zuvor – und sie werden immer mehr. Wir brauchen eine neue Friedensbewegung, eine neue Entspannungspolitik und keinen Weltkrieg. Es wäre der dritte und letzte. Europa droht das Schicksal von Karthago, schlimmer noch.

Zur “Ukraine-Konferenz” in der Schweiz
Das zivilgesellschaftliche Bündnis »Stoppt das Töten in der Ukraine!« begrüßt die geplante Konferenz im Juni 2024.

Ukraine, the negotiations that are not there
The European elections are held against the backdrop of parallels between the Normandy landings of 80 years ago and an increasingly dangerous war in Ukraine. Politicians and the media are ignoring the possibilities of a negotiation, proposed by many parties as the only way to end the conflict.

Atviras laiškas dėl Ukrainos ir Rusijos konflikto: “derybos nedelsiant!”
Kita Europos Parlamento sudėtis turėtų būti tarpininkė taikos derybose tarp Rusijos ir Ukrainos. Prie to atvirame laiške, paskelbtame Corriere della Sera, ragina Europos inteligentijos atstovai.

России и Украине:”Переговоры немедленно!”
Следующий состав Европарламента должен выступить в качестве посредника в мирных переговорах между Россией и Украиной. Европейская интеллигенция написала открытое письмо. России и Украине предложили нового посредника.

Guerra na Ucrânia: negociar. Agora
Apelo à Europa de um grupo de intelectuais para que a UE comece a abrir negociações de paz entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia. O texto foi publicado pelo Corriere della Sera, pela Frankfurter Rundshau e Freitag na Alemanha, anexado no Ydin na Finlândia e em outros países.

Ukraine-Russie : Négocier maintenant!
Appel lancé à l'Europe par un groupe d'intellectuels pour que l'UE entame l'ouverture de négociations de paix entre la Russie et l'Ukraine. Le texte a été publié par le Corriere della Sera, par Frankfurter Rundshau et Freitag en Allemagne, joint sur Ydin en Finlande et dans d'autres pays.

Ukraina–Venäjä: Neuvottelut käyntiin!
Intellektuellien ryhmä vetoaa Eurooppaan, jotta EU aloittaisi rauhanneuvottelut Venäjän ja Ukrainan välillä. Tekstin julkaisivat Corriere della Sera, Frankfurter Rundshau ja Freitag Saksassa, liitteenä Ydinissä Suomessa ja muissa maissa.

Ukraine-Russland: Jetzt verhandeln!
Aufruf einer Gruppe von Intellektuellen an Europa, die EU solle Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine aufnehmen. Der Text wurde von Corriere della Sera, von Frankfurter Rundschau und Freitag in Deutschland veröffentlicht und auf Ydin in Finnland und in anderen Ländern beigefügt.

Ukraine-Russia: Negotiate Now!
Appeal to Europe from a group of intellectuals for the EU to start opening peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. The text was published by Corriere della Sera, by Frankfurter Rundshau and Freitag in Germany, attached on Ydin in Finland and in other countries.

Peace starts with Palestine’s UN membership
On May 10, all member states should vote to admit the State of Palestine as the 194th member of the United Nations. In welcoming Palestine as a UN member state, the UN would also take crucial steps to ensure the security of both Israel and Palestine. Da Al Jazeera

Israel still has no proof of Unrwa terrorist claims..
The Colonna report, which was commissioned by the UN in the wake of Israeli allegations of the involvement of Unrwa staff in the 7 October Hamas attack, led major donors to cut $450m. But Israel has not presented evidence of UNRWA involvement. Da The Guardian