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Appeals, documents, analyses, scientific reports on war in Ukraine, on peace and war in Europe, on common security and international cooperation.

Zur "Ukraine-Konferenz" in der Schweiz

Zur “Ukraine-Konferenz” in der Schweiz

Das zivilgesellschaftliche Bündnis »Stoppt das Töten in der Ukraine!« begrüßt die geplante Konferenz im Juni 2024.
Ukraine, the negotiations that are not there

Ukraine, the negotiations that are not there

The European elections are held against the backdrop of parallels between the Normandy landings of 80 years ago and an increasingly dangerous war in Ukraine. Politicians and the media are ignoring the possibilities of a negotiation, proposed by many parties as the only way to end the conflict.
Atviras laiškas dėl Ukrainos ir Rusijos konflikto: "derybos nedelsiant!"

Atviras laiškas dėl Ukrainos ir Rusijos konflikto: “derybos nedelsiant!”

Kita Europos Parlamento sudėtis turėtų būti tarpininkė taikos derybose tarp Rusijos ir Ukrainos. Prie to atvirame laiške, paskelbtame Corriere della Sera, ragina Europos inteligentijos atstovai.

России и Украине:"Переговоры немедленно!"

России и Украине:”Переговоры немедленно!”

Следующий состав Европарламента должен выступить в качестве посредника в мирных переговорах между Россией и Украиной. Европейская интеллигенция написала открытое письмо. России и Украине предложили нового посредника.

Guerra na Ucrânia: negociar. Agora

Guerra na Ucrânia: negociar. Agora

Apelo à Europa de um grupo de intelectuais para que a UE comece a abrir negociações de paz entre a Rússia e a Ucrânia. O texto foi publicado pelo Corriere della Sera, pela Frankfurter Rundshau e Freitag na Alemanha, anexado no Ydin na Finlândia e em outros países.

Ukraine-Russie : Négocier maintenant!

Ukraine-Russie : Négocier maintenant!

Appel lancé à l'Europe par un groupe d'intellectuels pour que l'UE entame l'ouverture de négociations de paix entre la Russie et l'Ukraine. Le texte a été publié par le Corriere della Sera, par Frankfurter Rundshau et Freitag en Allemagne, joint sur Ydin en Finlande et dans d'autres pays.

Ukraina–Venäjä: Neuvottelut käyntiin!

Ukraina–Venäjä: Neuvottelut käyntiin!

Intellektuellien ryhmä vetoaa Eurooppaan, jotta EU aloittaisi rauhanneuvottelut Venäjän ja Ukrainan välillä. Tekstin julkaisivat Corriere della Sera, Frankfurter Rundshau ja Freitag Saksassa, liitteenä Ydinissä Suomessa ja muissa maissa.

Ukraine-Russland: Jetzt verhandeln!

Ukraine-Russland: Jetzt verhandeln!

Aufruf einer Gruppe von Intellektuellen an Europa, die EU solle Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine aufnehmen. Der Text wurde von Corriere della Sera, von Frankfurter Rundschau und Freitag in Deutschland veröffentlicht und auf Ydin in Finnland und in anderen Ländern beigefügt.

Ukraine-Russia: Negotiate Now!

Ukraine-Russia: Negotiate Now!

Appeal to Europe from a group of intellectuals for the EU to start opening peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. The text was published by Corriere della Sera, by Frankfurter Rundshau and Freitag in Germany, attached on Ydin in Finland and in other countries.

Peace starts with Palestine’s UN membership

Peace starts with Palestine’s UN membership

On May 10, all member states should vote to admit the State of Palestine as the 194th member of the United Nations. In welcoming Palestine as a UN member state, the UN would also take crucial steps to ensure the security of both Israel and Palestine. Da Al Jazeera
Israel still has no proof of Unrwa terrorist claims..

Israel still has no proof of Unrwa terrorist claims..

The Colonna report, which was commissioned by the UN in the wake of Israeli allegations of the involvement of Unrwa staff in the 7 October Hamas attack, led major donors to cut $450m. But Israel has not presented evidence of UNRWA involvement. Da The Guardian
Ucraina-Russia: una pace negoziata per mettere fine alla guerra

Ucraina-Russia: una pace negoziata per mettere fine alla guerra

Di fronte alla situazione di stallo della guerra in Ucraina, dopo il mancato successo della controffensiva di Kiev, una proposta articolata di apertura di negoziati di pace è stata avanzata nei mesi scorsi da quattro voci autorevoli: Peter Brandt, storico e figlio del cancelliere Willy Brandt, il politologo Hajo Funke, il generale in pensione Harald Kujat e Horst Teltschik, già consigliere del cancelliere Helmut Kohl. Il testo è apparso il 25 agosto 2023 sul portale “Zeitgeschehen im Fokus”.
In Germania marce per la pace in cento città

In Germania marce per la pace in cento città

Per tutto il lungo week end di Pasqua in Germania un movimento pacifista dal basso ha riattivato la tradizione delle marce per la pace, autofinanziate con la sottoscrizione di un appello che chiede negoziati in Medioriente e per l'Ucraina e la fine della militarizzazione della società tedesca.
Israel's Self-Destruction

Israel’s Self-Destruction

Aluf Benn, the editor of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, in a new essay for Foreign Affairs says that “It cannot be overlooked or sidestepped, and continuing the occupation, expanding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, laying siege to Gaza, and refusing to make any territorial compromise (or even recognize Palestinian rights) will not bring the country lasting security.” Da Foreign Affairs.
The risk of nuclear conflict is rising

The risk of nuclear conflict is rising

The possibility of a nuclear strike, once inconceivable in modern conflict, is more likely now than at any other time since the Cold War. the Biden administration had directed a small group of experts and strategists, a “Tiger Team,” to devise a new nuclear “playbook” of contingency plans and responses. Da The New York Times.
World’s largest oil companies have made $281bn profit since invasion of Ukraine

World’s largest oil companies have made $281bn profit since invasion of Ukraine

Global Witness says the five ‘super-majors’ are the ‘main winners of the war’ while many struggle to heat their homes. Da The Guardian.
Des idées simples pour la paix au Moyen-Orient

Des idées simples pour la paix au Moyen-Orient

La catastrophe en cours à Gaza risque d’ouvrir un nouveau cycle de guerres, encore plus atroces, sauf à régler une fois pour toutes le conflit israélo-palestinien dans le cadre de la solution à deux Etats ou mieux de un Etat binational. Da Le Monde
The Case for American-Led Peace in Ukraine

The Case for American-Led Peace in Ukraine

According to the analysis of these two researchers in the US conservative newspaper with Ukraine’s counteroffensive all but halted, the time has come for Washington to push for peace—particularly given that Russia might launch a new offensive in 2024. Da The National Interest.
Peace by peaceful means. Ceasefire and negotiations now!

Peace by peaceful means. Ceasefire and negotiations now!

Final declaration or appeal on line in English from the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine in Vienna with call on civil society in all countries to join us in a week of global mobilization in autumn.

A Timely Call for Peace in Ukraine by U.S. National Security Experts

A Timely Call for Peace in Ukraine by U.S. National Security Experts

The New York Times published a full-page advertisement signed by 15 U.S. national security experts about the war in Ukraine. It was headed “The U.S. Should Be a Force for Peace in the World,” and was drafted by the Eisenhower Media Network. Da CodePink.