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Peace initiatives

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Demonstrations, conferences, grassroots activities and “other” organized by peace organizations in Europe to stop the war and build the peace.

A Europe of peace far all peoples

A Europe of peace far all peoples

Invitation to take action, to display at the windows the flag of peace that represents ours idea of Europe, to support the alternative to wars and to the arrogance of the strongest. It's true for Ukraine and for Palestine. It’s time for a great European campaign to oppose the arms race and a war economy.
Il fronte della pace, dai Nobel a Guterres

Il fronte della pace, dai Nobel a Guterres

Partirà domenica da Assisi il corteo per dire “Basta alle bombe sui civili”. Giorgio Parisi consegna al Papa il testo per la “fraternità". Da Il Fatto quotidiano.
Urgent Call for Olga and Yurii

Urgent Call for Olga and Yurii

Member states and the European Union must grant humanitarian protection and political asylum and protect the rights of freedom and speech to the peace leaders Olga Karatch (Belarus) and Yurii Sheliazhenko (Ukraine).
Wien, Juni 10/11: Internationaler Gipfel für Frieden in der Ukraine

Wien, Juni 10/11: Internationaler Gipfel für Frieden in der Ukraine

Internationaler Gipfel für Frieden in der Ukraine, Wien, Österreich – am Juni 10/11, 2023 - und Liste der Mitgliedsorganisationen internationaler Friedensorganisationen.
Vienna June 10/11: International summit for peace in Ukraine

Vienna June 10/11: International summit for peace in Ukraine

Press invitation to the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine Vienna, Austria - on June 10/11, 2023 and list of International peace organizations joining the meeting.
Road to Vienna: peace by peaceful means

Road to Vienna: peace by peaceful means

How the peace movement is preparing for the international summit for Peace in Ukraine that will be held in the Austrian capital city on 10/11 JuneWednesday June 7th 2023 - 19.00 CEST – 17.00 GMT/UTC – 13.00 EDT “It is time for the weapons to fall silent and for diplomacy to begin to resolve the conflict. We must counter the logic of war with the logic of peace.”  
Resolution for Peace in Ukraine to local authorities

Resolution for Peace in Ukraine to local authorities

Motion to ask for ceasefire, peace negotiations, to organize caravans of humanitarian aid in Ukraine and the adhesion to the nuclear disarmament treaty to the citizens and local authorities in various states of the European Union and in other countries proposed by the organizations linked to the Europe for Peace coalition.
Calendar of upcoming engagements 

Calendar of upcoming engagements 

The mobilisation for a ceasefire, for negotiation, for a political and non-violent solution to the war in Ukraine continues in late April, May and June.
Peace caravane to Odesa and Mykolaiv

Peace caravane to Odesa and Mykolaiv

One year after the first mission organised in Ukraine, as STOPTHEWARNOW we want to strongly reiterate that we do not resign ourselves to war.For these reasons, we will be in Ukraine again from March 30 to April 3. We will reach Odesa and Mykolaiv, not only to deliver humanitarian aid but also to bring a message of peace. 

Vienna flash mob with light projection

Vienna flash mob with light projection

Light-projection 23rd of February at the "Balhausplatz" in Vienna.

Zagreb, feminist anti war protest

Zagreb, feminist anti war protest

A Newly formed Ad hoc feminist anti-war coalition from Zagreb (albeit composed of old anti-war activists) is organizing an anti-war protest on Friday, Feb.24.

People in dozens of cities in Italy and Europe call for peace negotiations one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine

People in dozens of cities in Italy and Europe call for peace negotiations one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The mobilisation of Italian and European civil society is growing day by day in support ofprospects for peace for Ukraine. In Italy there are more than 65 cities with confirmed initiatives (including Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples, Bari, Palermo, Cagliari, Florence, Bologna...).

Madrid, Barcelona y otras manifestaciones por la paz en España

Madrid, Barcelona y otras manifestaciones por la paz en España

Una veintena de concentraciones y manifestaciones por toda España por las negociaciones en Ucrania y contra toda las guerras, entre el 24 y el 25 de febrero, desde Barcelona a La Coruña, desde Madrid a Pampolona.

Lisboa el 16,  outras manifestações em Portugal

Lisboa el 16, outras manifestações em Portugal

El dia 16 de Fevereiro, vai realizar-se uma Concentração em defesa da Paz, em Lisboa, no Largo de Camões. Outras manifestações por todo o país, de Coimbra ao Porto, até Setúbal.

Germany, peace initiatives list on anniversary of Ukraine invasion

Germany, peace initiatives list on anniversary of Ukraine invasion

16 peace organizations invite to participate in manifold peaceful protests on 24-26 Feb for in favour of truce and peace negotiations, against the war of aggression of Russia, as well as against the riarmament program of the German government. In many cities activities against the ongoing war will take place: Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Stuttgart. 

Zürich, Demonstration für Frieden

Zürich, Demonstration für Frieden

Demonstration für Frieden und Völkerfreundschaft. Samstag, 25. Februar 2023 um 14:30 Uhr Ni-Una-Menos-Platz (ehem. Helvetiaplatz), Zürich.

Vienna,  peace manifestation in front of the Congress

Vienna, peace manifestation in front of the Congress

Peace manifestation in front of the Congress Building on Heldenplatz, 24th of February, 12-14h during the Osce parliamentary meeting.

Berlin: Brandenburger Tor, Donnerstag 23

Berlin: Brandenburger Tor, Donnerstag 23

In Berlin wird anlässlich des Aktionswochenendes eine Kundgebung vor dem Brandenburger Tor stattfinden. Und die anderen Friedensinitiativen in Deutschland.

Madrid, conferencia el 17 de febrero para la via diplomatica in Ucraina

Madrid, conferencia el 17 de febrero para la via diplomatica in Ucraina

Conferencia internacional a Madrid para reclamar una solución diplomatica en Ucraina organizada por Podemos con el apoyo de partidos de la izquierda y participación de represéntales del mundo pacifista europeo.

Besançon, rassemblement le 25 

Besançon, rassemblement le 25 

Rassemblement à Besançon le 25 février 2023 à 14h sur la place du 8 Septembre.
